
Please pray for me I am feeling bad today. I had heard day yesterday.

Jul-22 / last prayer 28h ago

Please pray some people that I know who I don't know if they're saved there was a situation that happened between us please pray for their salvation if they are lost.

Jul-23 / last prayer 28h ago
F. Walker
Little Rock Location

Please pray for my cousin. She's had severe epilepsy for over 30 years. Her mother (her needed and primary caregiver) is getting to an age where she might not be able to be the caregiver anymore.

Jul-21 / last prayer 5d ago
Little Rock Location

Need several things done to my house that will be expensive. Am asking God to lead me in the best path to take in accomplishing these things and the financial responsibility for them.

Jul-25 / last prayer 24h ago
Mark and Mike
Little Rock Location

Please pray for a full recovery for my friend’s dad who is having major surgery complications and for her stepbrother who is very sick and living in India to get access to the medication he needs.

Jul-26 / last prayer 17h ago
Conway Location

it’s a heavy week and I feel alone in it…prayers to find peace

Jul-09 / last prayer 28h ago
Cory Montrose
Conway Location

Please pray for God restore and repair of the damaged relationship between me and my 14-year-old daughter Paisley. For there to be more intimacy and openness and closeness in our relationship.

Jul-14 / last prayer 28h ago

I'm going to have to go to the dentist on August 5th please pray that everything will go well there will just be something simple.

Jul-24 / last prayer 28h ago
Little Rock Location

My two oldest children are in their first semester of college and have faced some challenges. Please pray that they learn, work hard, persevere, and succeed with the h and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Jul-14 / last prayer 27h ago

My mother as Dr appointment Friday.

Jul-11 / last prayer 28h ago
Little Rock Location

My 3 children and I are in need of housing. Please pray that God would provide it.

Jul-14 / last prayer 19h ago
Maria jimenez
Little Rock Location

Please pray for Maria Jimenez. She has no family. Family broke up due to abuse in 1992 and in 2014. evil cousin mario and evil cousin leslie. All family members are all evil.

Jul-19 / last prayer 28h ago
Little Rock Location

For my wife to have a safe surgery and recovery. Also, I’m struggling with anxiety and depression with myself. Please help me find my joy in Christ and renew my faith.

Jul-21 / last prayer 27h ago
A child of God

Please pray for my father who has a kidney doctor appointment today

Jul-15 / last prayer 28h ago
Conway Location

I’m trying to build a personal business routine/system and getting overwhelmed before I start. Grateful for prayers while I step into a new thing - afraid to fail.

Jul-16 / last prayer 28h ago
Little Rock Location

My son Daniel is going to Chicago tomorrow with friend for 4 days praying for God's protection safety journey mercy divine favor and peace and be wise during this trip thx

Jul-08 / last prayer 28h ago

Please pray if it is a tooth that needs to be pulled that it will not be painful or the pain to a minimum

Jul-24 / last prayer 28h ago
Mike Clemons

My step brother Mike Clemons is in the hospital. He can move anything or eat due to being fully paralyzed.

Jul-06 / last prayer 28h ago
Little Rock Location

For my sister Linda who just found out she has pancreatic cancer

Jul-17 / last prayer 27h ago
Nancy Jimenez
Little Rock Location

Please pray for Nancy Jimenez.She is special ed.She has no family. Family broke up due to abuse in 1992 and in 2014.Evil cousin Mario and evil cousin Leslie. All normal ed family members are all evil.

Jul-19 / last prayer 28h ago